about KAMMI

KAMMI (Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia), or in English, The Action United of Indonesian Moslem Students. First time I hear this organization is when I was in the second semester in Malang. You know, there wasn't any KAMMI in my town. It's not a big problem, but I just feel late, although there isn't any late word to study or know something. KAMMI is a different one, it's different with the other students' organizations. KAMMI can be said as a 'pure Islamic Organization'. You know, here, in Malang, there are many organization that have Islamic names or basics, but in fact, they don't apply Islam at all in organizing themselves. So, it's not a wrong choice to join with KAMMI. We can learn many things here, we can open our mind about what does Islam said about youth, how to solve any problems by Islam, how to face many complicated problems around us. So, as a student, don't only study in the class, but we've to study out of class, one of many ways is by joining any organization that has a true vision. Sure, we've to consider whether it's appropriate with Islam or not. It's the most important one.